Competition on "Nasimi Heritage in National Digital Memory" (CSL) was held at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS.
The competition was held in accordance with the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev on January 11, 2019, proclaiming the Year of Nasimi in our country.
By the decision of the competition commission, the film "Nasimi Heritage in the National Digital Memory" was awarded to the 1st place (Aygun Safarova, director of the Library and Service Department of the CSL, Gunel Ahadova, director of the Information Resources Control and Coordinator and fim operator Mirze Huseynov). 2nd place was taken by paper dubbed “Features of Sufism Development in Azerbaijan, Sufi Methods and Sayid Imadaddin Nasimi” (Shahana Shahbazova, an employee of the Department of Cataloging and Systematization) and video film “Nasimi Heritage in National Digital Memory” (chief specialist of International Relations Department).
Note that, term of the competition includes teamwork, independence of format selection, the use of NDM database materials and the processing of CSL data systems.
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