The awarding ceremony of the essay competition “What do I know about Imadaddin Nasimi?”, organized by the Sheki Regional Scientific Center (SRRC) of ANAS and Sheki affiliate of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, took place.
The competition dedicated to the 650th anniversary of Imadaddin Nasimi was attended by students of the VIII-XI grades of secondary schools in the Sheki district.
The opening speech was opened by the director of the SRRC, PhD in Physics-Mathematics Yusif Shukurlu, who said that the event was held in accordance with the President’s Order on the announcement of the year 2019 in the country as the Year of Nasimi.
The senior scientific researcher of the SRSC of ANAS, Doctor of mathematical sciences, professor Firadun Ibrahimov highlighted the significance of this competition and importance of such events for shaping the worldview of the young generation.
Then the results of the competition were announced, winners and participants were awarded diplomas and valuable prizes.
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