The Federal Service for Intellectual Property has published a list of the most significant works for which patents were issued last year.
According to the experts of Rospatent, the leader of the list is a remedy for the Ebola virus - developed by the State Scientific Center of the World Bank "Vector" and Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N.N. Vorozhtsov SB RAS.
The Russian vaccine for the prevention of the disease caused by the Ebola virus is peptide and significantly differs from the western analogues used now by its high safety, the absence of adverse reactions, and the convenience of storage at temperatures from +2 to + 8C (unlike other vaccines requiring minus temperatures) transportation and use, and contributes to the development of immunity against modern virus isolates. It was found that the tool of Siberian scientists has low toxicity. The vaccine is registered and entered in the register of medicines in the Russian Federation in March 2018.