In the XX century, the development of geophysics in Azerbaijan was closely linked to the success of the oil industry. Thus, the methods of geophysical exploration resulting from a combination of geological and physical sciences attracted the attention of specialists in scientific fields. Other types of geophysical surveys, such as seismic and electrical exploration, have given an important impetus to the efficiency of oil production in Azerbaijan.
Regional geophysics at the end of the 50s of the XX century, relying on future achievements in the field of physics of the Earth, began to become increasingly relevant. One of the founders of this scientific field in Azerbaijan is a graduate of Moscow State University, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Tofig Ismayilzadeh.
T. Ismayilzadeh, born on March 1, 1930, in a short time gained an excellent reputation among the outstanding geophysical specialists of Azerbaijan due to his exceptional research abilities and organizational skills. Since that time, the systematic development of many areas of Earth physics began. In a short time, the Moscow Institute of Physics of the Earth of the USSR Academy of Sciences defended his thesis on pallagmatism, seismology, gravimetric studies, the study of rocks in conditions of high thermocarbons, etc.
Professor Tofig Ismayilzadeh laid the foundations of magnetism and paleomagnetism of the Earth in Azerbaijan and created a scientific school in this area. Under his leadership, a scientific base was developed for earthquake prediction and important work was done to create new geophysical devices. The main scientific achievement of the scientist was the establishment of a regional paleomagnetic scale of the Meso-Cenozoic deposits of Azerbaijan (co-authored). The paleomagnetic poles obtained as a result of T. Ismailzade's research are included in the World Data Center. For the first time, he developed and introduced a new parameter Hc (destructive site), which allows one to obtain a stable paleomagnetic vector for the age of any geological sediment.
A special sector of the Earth’s physics has been created at the Institute of Geology of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences to conduct geophysical research in the country. Under the direct supervision of T. Ismailzade, complex geological and geophysical expeditions were created to study the prospects of the oil industry in the fields of stratigraphy, lithology, tectonics, as well as the development of the scientific foundations of mineral exploration. Ismailzadeh has been leading research in the field of Earth physics in Azerbaijan for over 40 years.
He published the Azerbaijan Oil Density Map and the Atlas of Oil and Gas and Perspective Structures of Azerbaijan. In 1979-1992 he worked as the director of the Southern branch of the All-Union Research Institute of Geophysics.
The scientist, who paid great attention to the training of young scientists, prepared 17 doctors of philosophy and doctors of sciences. Ismailzade is the author of more than 200 scientific works, including several monographs and 24 inventions.
He was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of Azerbaijan.
The success of Azerbaijani specialists, continuing the work of T. Ismayilzadeh in the field of Earth physics, is recognized throughout the world. The oil strategy of Azerbaijan, the powerful Baku-Tbilisi-Jeyhan oil pipeline, the discovery of giant offshore oil and gas fields testify to new achievements in geophysical science.
The memory of Tofig Ismayilzadeh always lives in the memory of his colleagues, students and those who know him.
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