Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


08.12.2014 00:00
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Great leader Heydar Aliyev commemorated at the Institute of Literature

Great leader Heydar Aliyev commemorated at the Institute of Literature

On December 8, Institute of Literature held meeting connected with the death of a prominent statesman and national leader Heydar Aliyev’s eleventh anniversary.
Firstly, Heydar Aliyev commemorated with a minute's silence.
The event was opened by the Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute Isa Habibbayli and he spoke about Heydar Aliyev’s personality, great services, social and political activities, unique role in the development of socio-economic and cultural development of the country
Then, "I’m Azerbaijani!" Documentary film, prepared by "New Homeland" Social Development Public Union about Heydar Aliyev’s life and activity was shown.
Head of the Department of the institute, Professor Asif Rustamli, head of "New Homeland" Social Development Public Union Mahira Asadova and others talked about great leader’s historical contributions to the motherland and to the people.

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