Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


26.10.2020 16:35
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IMBB team met with soldiers on the frontline zone

IMBB team met with soldiers on the frontline zone

The staff of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) of ANAS took another step-in support of the Azerbaijani army - within the framework of the "Letter to a Soldier" project, the Institute staff met with our soldiers and officers fighting for the freedom of our lands. Each initiative is, in fact, citizenship. Today, our soldiers are surrounded by the comprehensive care of the state. At the same time, the care and attention of certain institutions for the soldiers guarding the Motherland is a demonstration of moral support.

Having visited the combat zone, the staff of the institute were convinced of the high fighting spirit of our soldiers. The safety of our civilians has been ensured. Our brave army is rallied around our Supreme Commander, and they fully believe that a great victory will soon be achieved.

Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

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