Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


November 10th is World Science Day for Peace and Development
10.11.2020 11:04
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November 10th is World Science Day for Peace and Development

Celebrated every 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the important role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.

In 2020, World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated under the motto "Science in the service of society in the fight against pandemics." UNESCO is trying to strengthen international cooperation in science during this crisis.

On the occasion of World Science Day, UNESCO Director-General, Audrey Azoulay addressed the public. The appeal says that science can show us the way to fight the pandemic.

 It should be noted that the World Science Day for Peace and Development was established in 2001 as part of the commitments made at the UNESCO General Conference in 1999 in Budapest during the joint work of UNESCO and the World Scientific Council.

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