Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The "smart" watch will monitoring the amount of glucose in the blood
28.01.2021 11:28
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The "smart" watch will monitoring the amount of glucose in the blood

“Apple Watch 7” will add blood glucose monitoring function. It is reported by the South Korean publication “ET News”.

The function of the blood glucose meter may appear in the new “Apple” watch and the competing model “Samsung Galaxy Watch 4”. The US company has already received patents for the corresponding function and is focused on integrating a glucose monitor into wearable gadgets.

According to declassified documents, “Apple” has invented a non-invasive monitor to monitor blood sugar levels, which does not require skin punctures to function. In the case of classic glucometers, either the skin must be pierced for blood sampling, or a special implanted continuous glucose monitor must be installed. A watch with a similar optical monitor will be designed for people with diabetes.

“Apple” has long focused on manufacturing gadgets with medical functions. In 2017, the company created a team of biomedical engineers and consultants who worked on a non-invasive blood monitoring sensor.

At the end of January, American doctors confirmed the benefits of “smart” watches in the fight against coronavirus. According to them, the gadgets allow monitoring heart rate variability, which can determine the presence of coronavirus in a patient at an early stage.


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