Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


February 21 is International Mother Language Day
21.02.2021 13:45
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February 21 is International Mother Language Day

In 1999, at the initiative of the United Nations, the General Conference of UNESCO declared February 21 as the International Mother Language Day. Since that year, events and seminars on the mother tongue have been held in countries, schools and universities around the world. February 21 - International Mother Language Day is also celebrated in Azerbaijan.

Recognition of our language in the state language, its representation in the national and international arenas is connected with the name of national leader Heydar Aliyev. Thus, on the initiative of the great leader, in 1978, the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR adopted the Azerbaijani language as the state language. After the return of the great leader to political power for the second time, his care and dedication to the comprehensive development and enrichment of the Azerbaijani language and its opening to the diplomatic world became one of the main priorities of state policy. According to the Decree of the national leader Heydar Aliyev dated 2001, August 1 is celebrated in our country as the Day of the Azerbaijani Alphabet and the Azerbaijani Language.

The Department of Heydar Aliyev and the Statehood of Azerbaijan  of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS prepared a video slide with the wise words of the great leader about the Azerbaijani language and the works of scientists studying the language policy of the great leader from various aspects.

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