Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The effect of the sun on the coronavirus has been announced
01.04.2021 09:22
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The effect of the sun on the coronavirus has been announced

When exposed to sunlight, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus rapidly becomes inactive.

An international team of scientists from the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland has provided evidence.

According to the "Theory of neutralization of the virus by sunlight", "ultraviolet B" radiation affects the virus's RNA and damages it. However, experiments show that the inactivation of the virus occurs much faster than predicted in theory and takes only 10-20 minutes. Therefore, the authors of the study concluded that light is an additional mechanism that mediates the effect on SARS-CoV-2.

Although the authors of the study do not know exactly what this mechanism is, they believe that in addition to "ultraviolet B" radiation, "ultraviolet A" also has a negative effect on the virus.

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