Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Azerbaijan attended as official member of “Online World Flora”
24.02.2015 00:00
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Azerbaijan attended as official member of “Online World Flora”

Azerbaijan for the first time attended as an official member of the international workshop organized by Missouri Botanical Garden (U.S.) in Geneva city (Switzerland). Our country was represented by PhD student of ANAS Institute of Botany, chairman of Young Scientists and Specialists Council Aida Dadashova.

Key goal of the workshop was UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) Target 1 discussing the compiled world floras over “Electronic list of known plant species”, and public commissioning of published and to be published electron copies of world online floras.

Online World Flora cooperates via 25 countries. Compiling of common known list of world flora attaches importance in terms of solving the social ecological and economic problems and conserving threatened plant species.

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