Main building of ANAS held press-conference entitled “Language landscape of sites” by organization of ANAS Institute of Linguistics on March 13.
Opening the event director of the scientific venture, acad. Tofig Hajiyev informed about the fulfillments in execution of “State Program on the usage of Azerbaijan language met with modern requirements and development of linguistics in the context of globalization”. Stressing out the opportunities made by State Program, academician noted that, institute employees hold monitoring with the purpose to learn existed state and to protect norms of literary language on sites. “The hotline” will be commissioned due to preventing language errors. AR Ministry of Communication and High Technologies runs to launch this line soon, T. Hajiyev said.
Chief of monitoring department, prof. Gulu Maharramli informed on the observation issues carried out in the street names, posters, billboards, television and radio broadcasting in Nasimi, Nizami and Narimanov districts.
Leading researcher of the institute Nazakat Gaziyeva spoke about the outcomes of the site language monitoring and observed language errors.
Then, questions of mass media were responded.
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