Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


This Smart Glove Translates Sign Language to Text and Speech
13.10.2015 11:27
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This Smart Glove Translates Sign Language to Text and Speech

Hadeel Ayoub, a Saudi designer and media artist, wants to bridge the communication gap between people with and without hearing disabilities. After a year of tinkering, she’s come up with a “smart glove” that converts sign language into text and speech.

Ayoub told me that her motto is always “to design for a cause,” and to produce products that will help a wider community. With the “smart glove,” her aim is to “facilitate communication” between people, and break down language barriers in the process.

Her SignLanguageGlove is a wireless device that translates sign language gestures into visual letters or speech, which could be read by someone else’s smartphone app or tablet device. Ayoub, who speaks French, English, and Arabic, also wants to incorporate multilingual features into the glove. The gloves have already gone through three prototyping stages.

The glove works using five flex sensors on the fingers. These detect how the user bends their fingers as they sign, reporting the data to a serial monitor. An accelerometer keeps track of how the user orientates their hand as they sign.

Ayoub developed a computer programme that translates the motions coming from the glove into words displayed on a screen. In her latest prototype, she minimised and incorporated all the hardware into the lining of the glove, which now includes a text-to-speech chip that turns signs into spoken language. In terms of displaying the text on the screen, an upgraded software allows the text to scroll on the screen before deleting old sentences as new ones appear.

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