Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on protection of historic part of Sheki city
21.01.2016 18:15
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Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on protection of historic part of Sheki city

Currently, on the territory of "Yukhari Bash" the State Historical-Architectural Park, covering ancient part of Sheki city, one of the cities of Azerbaijan with the centuries-old rich past, there are numerous mosques and minarets, caravanserais and craft shops, museums and other buildings of historical value. In the city where brings together dozens of handicraft industries, today deservedly preserve the historical and cultural heritage. Wide scope of social and economic progress even more expanded the tourist capacity of the region, at the same time, structures of new style changed the image of the city and spoiled its original architecture that caused the necessity of especially attentive approach to the works which are carried out at the territory of the Park.

Guiding by 32 clause of 109 item of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan in order to protect the historic appearance and the architectural style of the Sheki, having importance for Azerbaijan culture, to transfer it to future generations, as well as to provide a large-scale promotion of the cultural achievements of the Azerbaijani people, I decree:

1. To the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan joint with the Executive power of the Sheki:

1.1. to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Azerbaijan the offers on matching the structures of breaking street networks and a planned configuration of the National historical and architectural "Yukhari Bash" Park, without causing damage to its architectural value and style, repairing or restoring of engineering communications, restoring or preserving of historical and cultural monuments, repair of roads for two-month term;

1.2. to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Azerbaijan the offers on allocation of the office building for the National historical and architectural "Yukhari Bash" Park or the financial resources necessary for construction of this building within a month.

2. To the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan joint with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ANAS and Executive power of Sheki city, to prepare and submit to the Cabinet of Ministries of the Azerbaijan Republic the offers concerning preservation of a natural landscape and gardening of the Sheki for two-month.

3. to the Cabinet Ministry of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

3.1. to approve the plan of measures on development and protection of historical part of the Sheki city for three-months;

3.2. to approve the map of "Yukhari Bash" National Historical - Architectural Park within a month;

3.3. to ensure the provision to "Yukhari Bash" State Historical-Architectural Reserve the status of National Park;

3.4. to provide transition of financing "Yukhari Bash" National Historical -Architectural Park from local expenses of the state budget to the centralized expenses for the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

3.5. to carry out necessary measures for strengthening of material base of "Yukhari Bash" National Historical -Architectural Park;

3.6. to solve other issues arising from this Order.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, January 19, 2015.

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