Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.02.2016 16:01
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Report of scientific and organizational activities of Department of Humanitarian Sciences in 2015

Report of scientific and organizational activities of Department of Humanitarian Sciences in 2015

On February 10, a regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held. At the event, has been made report on results of activity of the Department of Humanities of ANAS in 2015.

On the scientific and organizational work carried out in the Department during the year, spoke the Academician-Secretary of the Department, Academician Teymur Karimli. He noted that on the basis of the corresponding decree of President Ilham Aliyev in the composition of ANAS was created Department of Humanitarian Sciences. Currently, 5 institutes and 2 museums operate attached to the Department. Department oversees 3 of Problem Councils of the Republican Council on the Organization and Coordination of Research.

T.Kerimli introduced the important results and achievements obtained in the last year. He noted that in the reporting year in the institutions were performed 353 research works on 70 themes covering 31 scientific problems, 182 works over 10 subjects completed. 14 important results were obtained in the Department. The staff of research institutions published 107 books 57 monographs, including 6 - abroad. Last year were published 1577 articles and 206 abstracts, 241 of which were published abroad, including 24 in journals with impact factor. In addition, published 33 textbooks, scientific and mass literature, researchers’ articles were cited 94 times.

The report conducted that 24 thesis for PhD degree and 3 theses for the degree of Doctor of were defended, 22 thesis PhDs and 5 Doctors of sciences are on the over current stage to defend. Currently 132 doctoral students are trained in the institutions of the Department, 45 of who are trained in the intramural, 87 - extramural.

Speaking about the relationship of fundamental education and science, Academician Teymur Karimli noted that base department of Azerbaijan literature of Baku Slavic University that established to the Institute of Literature in last year, continued its successful work. In 2015, 3 persons were received at the master's degree at the Institute of Linguistics in the field of ancient Greek, Sanskrit and Latin.

Head offices are also described in detail the implementation of the research activities of the institutions of a number of government programs, as well as international conferences and symposiums, scientific missions in foreign countries, articles, contracts and other matters published in the scientific journal.

Academician Teymur Karimli informed the participants of the meeting with the important work performed on the eve 70th anniversary of ANAS. He noted that basing on scenario by Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbayli, was shot documentary film "Science Temple of Azerbaijan", which shows the 70-year-old glorious way of development passed by ANAS. In connection with the anniversary in academia, several activities were carried out at national and international scale.

Academician-Secretary informed about the electronic information resource of the Department as well. He noted that in the reporting year was commissioned the new office site -

After listening to and discussing the summary report it was adopted by a decree of the Presidium. Scientific and scientific-organizational activity of the Department of Humanities in 2015 was found to be satisfactory; it was decided to include the report in the annual report of ANAS.

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