Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


05.05.2016 09:29
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Young researcher carried out research work in the field of therapeutic of Naftalan oil in Germany

Young researcher carried out research work in the field of therapeutic of Naftalan oil in Germany

Senior researcher at the Department of Petroleum Geochemistry ANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics (IGG) Arzu Alizadeh carried out short-term study of Naftalan oil in Germany and delivered a report on the possibilities of cooperation in this field.

Within the framework of scientific and practical trip A. Alizadeh jointly with a group of environmental researchers were carried out study in the laboratory of "Multilateral molecular analyzes" of the Research Center Helmholtz Zentrum München.

Analyzed of the available samples of therapeutic Naftalan oil based on the German experience by the young researcher have been achieved interesting results.

A. Alizadeh also visited University of Rostock. Made a presentation on "Thermo-physical properties of liquids" in the laboratory of Engineering Faculty and Shipping, she in detail informed about IGG, on the existing here scientific and technological conditions, on the "Research in the field of oil geochemistry" laboratory on important scientific advances and future research plans.

Further, were discussed the possibilities of exchange of experience on cooperation in research of the Naftalan oil and analytical researches. The Azerbaijani researcher has also told about the works, which are carried out in this sphere IGG and potential opportunities.

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