Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Milli Majlis adopted “Law on Science”
14.06.2016 14:31
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Milli Majlis adopted “Law on Science”

The draft law “On science” was tabled in the third reading during the first plenary meeting of the Majlis’s extraordinary session on June 14.

Isa Habibbeyli, Academician, chairman of the parliamentary committee on science and education, said the draft law, consisting of 7 chapters and 40 articles, is aimed at achieving goals lying ahead of Azerbaijani science and confront modern challenges.

“We considered acceptable the proposal on excluding the provision on promotion of the ideology of Azerbaijanism. However, we insist that Azerbaijanism should continue to be a priority direction of science.

Azerbaijanism is a priority in a scientist’s activity as a citizen. No field can exist without a principle. Azerbaijanism unites all peoples living in our country, regardless of their ethnic identity,” the committee chairman noted.

He notified that, draft law has been added the articles on scientific innovation and for the first time ANAS membership was considered an academic rank.

The draft law also suggests stimulated activity of all institutions and organizations engaging in scientific innovation, according to him.

According to the draft law, one of the key priorities of the state policy in the field of scientific innovation is to take part in creating competitive and high-tech manufacturing sectors, ensure guaranteed sale of national innovation products manufactured by state order, protect them and encourage their access to foreign markets, I. Habibbeyli added.

The committee chairman further said that the draft law also envisages granting educational credit and debt repayment after the beginning of the career of doctoral students.

Under the draft law, the state will ensure preferential and long-term credits regarding the educational fee and other educational expenses, and a new mechanism will be created for payment of debts of doctoral students who will be employed in future.

The draft law was put to vote and adopted.

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