Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan about 200 anniversary of the creation of German settlements in the South Caucasus
31.08.2016 09:28
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Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan about 200 anniversary of the creation of German settlements in the South Caucasus

A tolerant environment, which approved in Azerbaijan for centuries, has created favorable conditions for establishing deeper contacts between German emigrants and the local population from the first time of their resettlement here at the beginning of the XIX century. Although during the Second World War, they were forced to leave the place where they were settled and which is akin to the people of Azerbaijan, demonstrating its commitment to the multicultural nature, kept at the proper level they left behind a historical and cultural heritage. Mutual respect and reverence for the national values of each other is the main feature that characterizes the cultural relations of the Azerbaijani and German peoples. German orientalists belong to the important contribution in familiarizing the scientific world with grandiose monuments of literary art of the Azerbaijani people, and German architects have made a valuable contribution to the urban planning culture in Azerbaijan.

In 2017, 200th anniversary of the creation of German settlements in the South Caucasus is marked. Leaving a deep mark on the history and culture of the Azerbaijani people this event is included in the "Programme of anniversaries of outstanding personalities and important events for 2016-2017" by UNESCO.

Governed by Clause 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and taking into account the importance of Azerbaijan as a centuries-old propaganda of tolerance space with multicultural traditions, in order to meet the decent 200-year anniversary of the German settlements in the South Caucasus, I decree: 

1. Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences to prepare and implement a special program of events dedicated to the 200th anniversary of German settlements in the South Caucasus.

2. The Cabinet of Ministers to resolve issues arising from this Order.

Ilham Aliyev 

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku city, August 30, 2016

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