Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on Mirza Shafi Vazeh’s 220th anniversary
04.02.2014 00:00
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Order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on Mirza Shafi Vazeh’s 220th anniversary

In 2014 outstanding representative of Azerbaijani literature, the great poet and enlightener Mirza Shafi Vazeh is 220 old.

Vazeh had worthily continued a long tradition of oriental poetry and leave a worthwhile legacy chant of high humanity and spiritual beauty . His work has an important place in the development of literary and cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Europe.

Pursuant to Clause 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution, in order to provide 220th anniversary of prominent poet and enlightener Mirza Shafi Vazeh, I decree:

1. Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic in conjunction with the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Executive Power of Ganja city, to prepare and implement an action plan dedicated to 220 anniversary of Mirza Shafi Vazeh taking into account the proposals of Azerbaijan Writers’ Union.

2. the Cabinet of Ministers to resolve issues arising from this Order.

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, February 3, 2014.

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