Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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19.10.2016 19:04
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Regular meeting of ANAS Presidium

Regular meeting of ANAS Presidium

Regular meeting of ANAS Presidium held on October 19. First of all, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh awarded Diplomas of ANAS to corresponding member of ANAS Farida Mammadova on the occasion of her 80th anniversary and Director of the Huseyn Javid’s Memorial Flat, Doctor of Philology Gulbaniz Babakhanli on the occasion of her 60th anniversary.

At the event Academician-Secretary of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS, Academician Dilgam Tagiyev reported on "Status and prospects of studies carried out at the institutes of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS". In his report the scientist noted that, in 2003-2015 in various fields of chemistry - in oil chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, chemical kinetics and catalysis, theoretical problems of chemical engineering and technology, high-molecular compounds - were obtained important results, which are of great scientific and practical importance. Academician informed that, over the past five years the institutions of department repeatedly won at competitions for obtaining grants, organized by the Foundation of Science under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, SOCAR and international organizations; in addition, the number of articles published in journals with impact factor and references to them is growing year after year.

The reporter also enumerated the main promising areas that will form the basis of serious and accelerated development of chemical science for 2025 and beyond, linking them to the influence of the global economic crisis and the beginning of the post-oil period.

Then, the report was discussed by Presidium. According to the adopted resolution, heads of the institutions that are part of department have been given appropriate instructions. The decision reflected issues such as the organization of periodic discussions studies carried out in promising areas and obtained new results, coordination of institutions and integrating scientific research to improve the fruitfulness of scientific activity, etc. Next was discussed on the plan of admission to magistracy of ANAS on 2017/2018 academy year. In his speech on this issue Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that, in 2016/2017 academic year to the ANAS Masters on 19 specialties, 56 people were accepted. Speaking about receiving the results of the analysis of the data, head of ANAS emphasized that, admission to the magistracy was held successfully interest in the Masters of ANAS was very high. He noted that, basis of proposals from the scientific departments and scientific institutions receiving project plan was prepared by the magistracy of the Academy for 2017/2018.

The Presidium discussed and approved it. To the Office of Science and Education of the Presidium Administration ANAS was requested to submit a plan as appropriate, to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan for approval.

At the meeting, Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev briefed on the results of business trips abroad. Then discussed the issue related to the report on the results of scientific research conducted in the scientific institutions of ANAS in 2016. In his speech on this issue Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev gave its recommendations on the preparation of reports on the scientific and organizational activities of the institutions to accordance with the instructions. The meeting adopted a resolution on ensuring timely discussion and approval of reports on the results of research works carried out in the Academy's scientific institutions as well as scientific institutions that operate under other ministries and public institutions and high schools in 2016.

At the event academician Rasim Aliguliyev presented the results of his trip to the Republic of Georgia. Noted that, the "First Conference on e-Infrastructure in the region of the Eastern Partnership» (EaPEC 2016) which was held in Tbilisi, he delivered a report, the scientist noted that, «EaPEC 2016" is a platform for multilateral cooperation support the development of e-Infrastructures between the region of the Eastern partnership and the European Union Member States. Other decree of the Presidium had approved the results of the election Deputy Academician-Secretary and members of the Presidium of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS. The event also adopted a resolution to amend the structure of the Institute of Economics of ANAS. The institute was liquidated Department of analytical information and publishing and established Department of Education and Department of methodological and econometric issues of state regulation of the economy. Next, on the agenda was the issue on 80th anniversary of the outstanding scientist-philosopher Doctor of Philosophy, corresponding member of ANAS Zakir Mammadov. Taking into account the merits of the scientist in the development of philosophical science of Azerbaijan, Presidium adopted a decision to hold at ANAS Institute of Philosophy the conference on the theme "25 years of independent Azerbaijan, scientific and philosophical heritage" dedicated to the anniversary.

Then some of the personnel issues were discussed. It was decided to appoint Academician Irada Huseynova, head of the Department of the fundamental problems of the biological productivity of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at ANAS on a voluntary basis, PhD on Agricultural Sciences Afig Mamedov - Scientific- Secretary of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences at ANAS PhD in Biology Sara Aliyeva - Scientific-Secretary of the Institute of Zoology.

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