On February 22 was held an assembly of ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (CYSC) on a report.
Delivered a report, Chairman of Council, Ph.D in Physics, senior lecturer Famin Salmanov said that, in 2016 in ANAS were implemented comprehensive measures aimed at the development of young people's intellectual potential, iprodelany important works for its participation in the social, cultural and social life of the country, as well as integration into the international scientific space.
In his speech Famin Salmanov said that, according to the policy defined by the leadership of the Academy, and in accordance with the annual planomraboty Council new projects were carried out: "In the course of joint international research in the field of molecular biology, chemistry, physics, botany, earth sciences and other branches of young scientists and specialists have received significant results. These results were published in journals with high impact factor, which are placed in refereed scientific publications bazahdannyh "Web of sciences".Speaking of the master of ANAS, Chairman of the Board said that the universities were organized scientific seminars in order to attract the educated youth in the magistracy of the Academy in the future. The scientist said that, in 2016 in order to familiarize young people with innovative projects in the framework of the events "İNNOday" were presented interesting projects "BethClip", "Braille Pad" and "EduRings".
In his speech Famin Salmanov said that, on the initiative Council young scientists and specialists for the first time in the village of Boyuk Bahmanli of Fizuli region students passed competitions in mathematics, dedicated to the memory of martyr, Major Elnur Aliyev.
After listening the report took place discussions. Presidium gave a number of instructions in connection with such tasks as the further development of international ties of young scientists and specialists of ANAS, strengthening activities aimed at the publication of their research results in journals that are included in such authoritative international scientific base as "Springer", "Elsevier" , "Scopus" and "Tomson Reuters", conducting research of innovative character, etc.
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