Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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A new version of the website of the Institute of Literature put in operation
12.05.2017 12:52
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A new version of the website of the Institute of Literature put in operation

ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami held presentation of the website of this structure on May 12.

Speaking at the presentation ceremony, ANAS Vice-President, Director of the Institute, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, said that recently in the institution he leads is intensively introducing high technologies. He noted that, in 2014 an electronic monitoring system was established at the institute, an electronic assembly hall began functioning and an electronic library was transferred to the use of readers.

Academician I.Habibbayli stressed that, today the websites of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS are of particular importance from the point of view of operative coverage of the innovations occurring in the Azerbaijani science and information on the activities of domestic scientists. He added that, the website of the Institute of Literature meets modern requirements, and the latest technological innovations are applied here.

Then head of the Department of Scientific Information and Translation Institute, Ph.D in Philology, Zakir Aliyev, presenting the website, noted that, the goal in its creation is to broaden the activities of the institute to the public and the world.

Speaking in detail about the structure of the website, the speaker informed that, the website functioning in 3 languages (Azerbaijani, Russian and English) consists of sections "About the Institute", "Science", "Education", "Councils", "Conferences","Presentations","New Publications","E-Library", as well as "Photo Gallery" and "Video Gallery" in which are reflected important events.

At the event, Director of the site developer Ruslan Aliyev, "Time4soft" LLC, said that, the site was developed in linear design and block format. He also added that, the site posted transitional links to official structures.

At the event, the chief researcher of the Department of Azerbaijani-Turkmen-Uzbek Literary Relations, Ph.D Yashar Gasimbayli, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of the Institute of Information Technology Gulnara Nabibekova and others put forward their proposals regarding the website.

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