Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


New rose varieties were cultivated
03.03.2014 00:00
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New rose varieties were cultivated

Asef Isgandarov, employee ANAS Central Botanical Garden, PhD in biology has obtained new varieties of roses by breeding and hybridization.

Note that collection of Rosa L. specie which belong to different garden groups and imported from foreign countries since 70s has been gathered by Central Botanical Garden, and its introduction is carried by scientific study.

Since 2006, the collection method and selection hibridləsdirmə heat and drought-resistant, rich and continuous flowering, colorful as well as disease and pest tolerant varieties of local roses have been grown.

For the first time, rose varieties such as have obtained by hybrids, Contract of the Century " , “Sari Gelin” and " Nazperi " been tested, added to the plant list, Asaf Isgandarova was given a patent.

9 new rose varieties have been obtained in recent years. The varieties were given the names of “Sensiz” , " Nizami Gancavi " , “Land of Fire” , " Morning in the East”, " Absheron symphony “, “Old Baku” , " Gara gile " , “Sari koynek”, " Ulduzlu Khazar”. Obtained varieties are intended to submit Ministry of Agriculture of the State Commission for the Protection of Selection Achievements as soon as possible.

Curenlty, observations are being held over more than 500 species and varieties of garden roses collection.

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