Every year, more than 300,000 accidents occur on the roads, the main cause of which is the fatigue of drivers behind the wheel. Approximately in 25% of cases the driver simply falls asleep, which leads to very tragic consequences. In a year because of a dream at the wheel more than 30 000 people perish. That’s why the Latvian company Creative Mode decided to implement the project of the STEER bracelet, bringing it to Kickstarter. This small device will allow drivers in case of fatigue not to fall asleep and protect their lives and the lives of others from the threat of a car accident.
The bracelet is equipped with sixteen sensors that in real time monitor the heartbeat and electrical conductivity of the driver’s skin. Similar sensors are used in polygraphs. Once the device finds that driver fatigue has reached a life-threatening level, the bracelet will give a small electrical discharge to his hand. The discharge of this will be enough to wake a person and cheer him up a little. After an electric shock, the levels of serotonin, noradrenaline and cortisol in the body increase, and the level of the melatonin sleep hormone, on the contrary, decreases.
Developers of the bracelet for a long time explored the various ways that drivers use to avoid sleep behind the wheel. The most popular are coffee, energy, loud music or smoking. But most of these methods are not that useful to the body, and does not give 100% confidence that fatigue will not prevail. The STEER bracelet is much more effective than all of the above. This device will tirelessly monitor the condition of the body of the driver and protect him from danger. A single charge of the battery will last for 2 weeks of use.
The device has already collected the necessary amount for Kickstarter and should go on sale in November this year. The cost of the bracelet for the users of the crawfedding portal is 99 dollars. In autumn, the price will rise to 199 dollars.