Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Employees of the Institute of Geography of ANAS were on an expedition in Ganja and Goygol , Shamkir and Gadabay regions
19.09.2013 00:00
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Employees of the Institute of Geography of ANAS were on an expedition in Ganja and Goygol , Shamkir and Gadabay regions

Staff of the Division of Paleogeography of the ANAS Institute of Geography named after acad. Hasan Aliyev were on an expedition in Ganja and Goygol, Shamkir and Gadabay regions.


During the expedition, samples were taken from sections of buried soil horizons to conduct research and paleogeographic palynological analyzes.


Not far from the village of Slavyanka, Gadabay region was discovered peat horizon thickness of 2.5-3 meters.


During field studies have found that in the Pleistocene era in Azerbaijan dominated the hot and humid climate, on the Kura lowland of evergreens were widespread laurel, laurel berries, a Mediterranean oak , mimosa , eucalyptus and evergreen vines .


Global cooling taht happened in the early Pleistocene, the formation of ice ages in the mountains Greater and Lesser Caucasus (above 2,000 meters) has caused major changes in flora and fauna. The analysis of images taken will provide more accurate information.


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