Director of the Institute of History, academician Yagub Mahmudov, scientific secretary of this enterprise, PhD in history Irada Aliyeva, head of department, doctor of history Shahin Farzaliyev and specialist of Polish language Narmin Gafarli visited Poland.
During the visit, scientists participated in the scientific conference dedicated to the 545th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between our countries at the high school named after Kazimir Yagellonchik in Torun, Poland.
Addressing the event, Azerbaijan's ambassador to Poland Hasan Hasanov said that the letters sent by Uzun Hasan to Kazimir IV were kept at the Manuscripts Fund in Krakow.
Then a memorial plaque dedicated to Uzun Hasan and IV Kazimira was held at the Torun high school at the initiative of the Azerbaijani embassy in Poland.
Those who are active in the conference have been rewarded.
According to an agreement reached between the ANAS Institute of History and the Institute of History of RAS, scientific conferences on the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the 100th anniversary of the restoration of Polish independence will be held.
During a meeting at the University of Warsaw, Y.Makhmudov delivered a report on "Azerbaijan's History of Science Today". He briefed the event participants on the historical past of Azerbaijan, the genocide committed by Armenians against our people and other issues.
Mahmudov presented books on Karabakh, Iravan, Nakhchivan and the genocide of Armenians against the Azerbaijani people to the Poland side.
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