Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.10.2018 12:49
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Employees of ANAS Institute of Biophysics were on a business trip to Italy

Employees of ANAS Institute of Biophysics were on a business trip to Italy

Director of the Institute of Biophysics, corresponding member of ANAS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Oktay Gasimov and Deputy Director of the Institute of Biophysics for Innovation and Transfer, Ph.D. in Medicine Abdurahimov Azad were on a business trip to Milan, Italy.

In the framework of cooperation of ANAS and CNR (Italy), ANAS Institute of Biophysics carries out work on bilateral a grant project "EPR, FT-IR, Confocal Raman and NMR spectroscopies at the elucidation of structural and photophysical properties of biomaterials”.

Now, journal with a high impact factor published an article on this project (L.Ragona, O.K.Gasimov, A.J.Guliyeva, R.B.Aslanov, S.Zanzoni, C.Botta, H.Molinari, Rhodaminebindsto silk fibroin and inhibitsitsself-aggregation, BiochimBiophysActa (IF= 2.61, 2018, 1866 (5-6): 661-667).

In the framework of the trip, employees of the Institute of Biophysics visited the Institute of Macromolecular Research in Italy. Project manager is Prof. G.Molinari.

Results of the researches conducted by both parties on the basis of mutual agreements and plans for the future on a grant were discussed. Also, were decided to complete the 2nd article, on which the work is carried out and to send it to the appropriate journal.

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