Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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31.10.2018 15:16
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Ceremony of awarding Prize after "Academician Murtuza Naghiyev" held

Ceremony of awarding Prize after "Academician Murtuza Naghiyev" held

ANAS Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry held the ceremony of awarding Prize after "Academician Murtuza Naghiyev".

Speaking at the event, ANAS Vice-President, director of the institute, academician Taghiyev Dilgam spoke about the youth policy of our state, as well as attention and care for young scientists in the Academy, as an integral part of this policy. Noted that, the award after of the outstanding scientist, founder of the theory of recycling, Academician Murtuza Nagiyev is presented to young scientists who have achievements in the field of science, since 2003.

Next, was announced the name of the young specialist, who was awarded the Prize.

Ilaha Mehdiyeva, a scientific employee of the Institute was awarded the "Academician Murtuza Naghiyev" Prize for her distinction in scientific activity.

The winner was awarded a diploma and other 4 candidates - incentive awards.

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