Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Academician Ismayil Hajiyev deserved Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Prize
11.02.2019 10:33
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Academician Ismayil Hajiyev deserved Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Prize

The 95th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was celebrated on February 9.

Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov noted that the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic played an important role in the history of the statehood of Azerbaijan. He said that in the 7th century, during the arrival of Arabs, there was independent governance here. In the 10th century the feudal state of the Nakhchivan Kingdom was created. The city of Nakhchivan was the capital of Azerbaijan Atabeylar in the twelfth century and in the 18th century, it contributed to the formation of administrative management as the political center of the Nakhchivan khanate. In 1918, the Araz-Turk Republic, with more than one million inhabitants, was established in Nakhchivan. In 1924 Nakhchivan was granted the status of the autonomous republic. Based on the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted on November 12, 1995, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is an autonomous state.

Vasif Talibov underlined that the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, has achieved great progress in the socio-economic sphere. Today, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has its great historical past and national values. Our ancient historical monuments, the future of the younger generation are protected, measures are taken to protect national traditions and traditions. Nakhchivan already hosts international science, culture and sports events, scientific conferences and symposia, drawing festivals. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic is a country with high level of energy, information, food and security, the speaker said.

Then "95 Years of Autonomy" prepared by Nakhchivan State Television has been demonstrated.

It was noted that, group of persons for effective activity in the Autonomous Republic deserved Decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Chairman of the Supreme Assembly presented the badges, medals and honorary badges to those awarded.

Chairman of Nakhchivan Division of ANAS Ismayil Hajiyev deserved Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic award for the book "Nakhchivan in the History of Azerbaijani Statehood".

Academician I.Hajiyev thanked the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly on behalf of the collective and scientists of the Nakhchivan Department for his high appreciation for his work at the 95th anniversary of the autonomous republic. He noted that consistent measures have been taken in the development of science in the Autonomous Republic.

Later, by order of the Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 8, 2019, a group of persons were awarded the badges of honorary titles.

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