Web-site | http//islam_mustafayev.org | ![]() |
Place of Birth | Bilasuvar district, Azerbaijan | |
Date of Birth | November 22, 1951 | |
Education | Baku State University | |
Scientific degree | Dr. Chemical Sciences | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
02.00.09 Radiation Chemistry Kinetics and mechanism of radiation-chemical fixation of nitrogen |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
02.00.09; 05.17.07 Radiation Chemistry; Chemical technology of fuel and gas Radiation-thermal processes in the solid organic fuels |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
30.06.2014 Radiation Chemistry |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
223 170 |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | 17 | |
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctors |
14 1 |
Main scientific achievements |
1. Special amount (calculated per 1 ton raw materials) of hazardous wastes emitted into the atmosphere in oil extraction, treatment, transportation and refining processes has been determined. 2. Impact of methane emissions on the photo-stimulated physicochemical processes in the upper layers of atmosphere and the stationary concentration of ozone has been studied. 3. Semi-empiric formula of temperature and dose rate dependence providing maximal radiation effect on the base of general kinetic model of organic fuels’ radiation-thermal transformation has been iterated. 4. Optimal conditions providing chain regime of radiation-chemical decomposition process of hydrocarbons in liquid medium have been determined, a kinetic model of the process has been designed. 5. Optimal conditions of organic fuels’ radiation-thermal desulphurization have been revealed and a kinetic model has been proposed. 6. The regularities of oil degradation processes in the environment have been studied and the role of radiation in these processes has been evaluated. 7. The physic-chemical properties of BTC pipe-lines wastes has been studied and radiation-chemical disinfection method has been developed |
Names of scientific works |
1.The principles of Radiation-chemical Technology of refining the petroleum residues. J.Radiation Physics and chemistry, 1995, v. 46, №4-6, pp. 1313-1316 2.Radiation-thermal transformation of Pentadecan. "Chemistry of high energy", 1999, v.33, №5, p. 354-359. 3.Environmental Security and Environmental Management: The Role of risk Assessment, 281-286. 2006 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands. 4.Gas formation regularities at the consecutive and simultaneous impact of ionizing radiations and heat on Turkish lignites. Fuel, 2011, volume 90, issue 8, p. 2555-2559.Elsevier. 5. Photochemical decomposition of hydrogen sulfide in the gas mixtures and generation molecular hydrogen. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - C: Environmental Security, Black Sea Energy Resource Development and Hydrogen Energy Problems. Springer:-2013, p. 47-55. 6. Hydrogen and hydrogen containing gas formation at the radiation-thermal clean up of water from oil pollution. The Black Sea: Strategy for Addressing its Energy Resource Development and Hydrogen Energy Problems. NATO-Science series. Springer, p.122-126, 2013 7.A Study of Radiation_Chemical Conversion of Synthetic Oil Derived from Oil–Bitumen Rock J. Radiation chemistry Москва, 2013, Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 449–455 8. Деградация Апшеронских нефтей в окружающей среде. Экология промышленного производства. 1(85) 2014. 9. Фотостимулированные процессы образования и распада озона в воздушной среде. Журнал Химия Высоких Энергий, Фотохимия, 2015, том 49, №2, с.124-126. 10. N. Guliyeva , I. Mustafayev, S. Mamedova and S. Aliyeva . Radiation Resistance of Tar Fractions of Bituminous Oil . J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 9 (2015) 357-362. The principles of Radiation-chemical Technology of refining the petroleum residues. J. Radiation Physics and chemistry, 1995, v. 46, №4-6, pp. 1313-1316 11. I.Mustafayev, N.Guliyeva, N.Ibadov, Sh.Haciyev “Transformation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Degradation of Petroleum in Soil” Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, USA.Academic Star Publishing Company,2016 No11. 12. Hasanov S.H., Mahmudov H.M., Mustafayev I.I. The kinetics of convertation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide on the surface of mixed nano-catalyst in the closed system. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 3, March-2017, p. 1389-1393. 13. Lala Cabbarova, Islam Mustafayev. Researches of impact of ionizing radiation on some characteristics of diesel fuel. Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering, USA, Vol. 2, №4, 2017, p. 41-45. 14. L.Y. Jabbarova, I.I. Mustafayev. “High-temperature radiolysis of diesel fuel”. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 85, №4, September, 2018, Springer Science, LLC. pp. 686-690. 15. N.K. Gulieva, I.I. Mustafaev, A.A. Sabzaliev, R.G. Garibov. Composition and properties of deposits formed on the internal surface of oil pipelines. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 85, No. 1, March, 2018 (Russian Original Vol. 85, No. 1, January–February, 2018), p. 103-108. 16. I. Mustafayev, S. Hasanov, H. Mahmudov. Assessment of emissions and emissions reduction in Azerbaijan's Rоаd Tгаnsрогt. 2019. International Emissions Inventory Conference – Collaborative Partnerships to Advance Science and Policy, Environmental Protection Agency, USA. Air Emissions Inventories, 24 July-01 August, Dallas, Texas, USA. 17. I.I. Mustafayev, N.K. Guliyeva, G.M. Hatamkhanova. Radiation Resistance of Bituminous Waterproofing Materials. High Energy Chemistrty. 2020, Vol. 54, No. 5, p. 336-341. 18. Islam Mustafayev, Gulara Imanova, Gulnara Hatamkhanova, Nigar Quliyeva. Radiation Resistance of Bituminous Hydroisolation Materials. 11th World Conference «Intelligent Sistem for Idustrial Automation» Springer International Publishin, 2021 (WCIS-2020), p. 348-357. 19. I.I. Mustafayev, L.Y. Jabbarova. Radiolysis of diesel Fuel. High Energy Chemistry.. v. 55, p. 37-39 (2021). 20. I.I. Mustafayev, L.Y. Jabbarova. Study of Ionizing Radiation Effects on Gasoline. Radiochemistry. 2021, Vol. 63, No. 3, p. 373-377. ISSN 1066-3622. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
1. Active member of New-York Academy of Sciences-1995 2. Member of International Academy on Sustainable development-2000 3. The member of international Consultative council and member of board of REC for Caucasus (2000-2010) |
Pedagogical activity |
1.Institute of qualification of teachers of Azerbaijan (1992) 2.Istanbul Technical University, Department of Mineral processings, professor, 1993-1996 3.Lenkoran State University, Department of Ecology, professor, 1999-2000 4.Azerbaijan Architecture and building University, Department of Emergency situation, professor |
Other activities |
1)Chairman of Ecological Society “Ruzgar”, since 1996 2)UNDP-Project manager “Solid waste management improvement in Azerbaijan” , 2009-2011 3)EU-Project National coordinator “Air quality Governance project”, 2011-2014 4)NCP on Energy “Horison-2020” since 2015 |
Awarding and prizes |
1.“Tereggi” medalya (2011) 2.Honorary degrees of ANAS Presidium (2002, 2005, 2012) |
Place of work and its address | Institute of Radiation Problems, AZ1143, B.Vahabzadeh 9, Baku, Azerbaijan | |
Position | general director | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5394113 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 3207816 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4249453 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 5394113 | |
imustafayev@mail.ru |