Veb-site | | |
Place of birth | Neftchala region of the Republic of Azerbaijan | ![]() |
Date of birth | 05.04.1952 | |
Education | Azerbaijan (Baku) State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
01.04.07 Physica Status solid Dielectrik and pyroelectric analyses of phase translthans of some oxygen-octahedcal spontaneous-polarized crystals |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
01.04.10 Semiconductors and dielectric Relaxor Ferroelectrics on the base of TlInS2 and TlGaSe2 crystals |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS: - date - specialty name |
02.05.2017 Radiation Material Science |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
33 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | 1 | |
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctor of sciences |
4 1 |
Basic scientific achievements |
1.It has been given regularities for successive phase transitions in spontaneous-polarized crystals. 2. It has been revealed a new class of relaxation ferroelectrics on the base of TlInS2 and TlGaSe2 crystals. 3. It has been determined super-ionic conductivity in TlGaTe2, TlİnTe2 and TlInSe2. |
Names of scientific works | 1. Ferroelectricity and polytypism in TlGaSe2 crystals. Solid State Com, 1991, v.77, N.6, 453 2. The spontaneous relaxor-ferroelectric transition of TlInS2 with cationic impurities. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (JOAM), 2003, v.5, No.3, 276 3. Relaxor properties of TlInS2 composites with nanodomain state. Ferroelectrics, 2004, v.298, 275. 4. Релаксорные свойства и механизм проводимости γ -облученных кристаллов TlInS2. ФТТ, 2005,т.47,вып.9, 1665 5. Dielectric properties, conduction mechanism and possibility of nanodomain state with quantum dot formation in gamma-irradiated impurity-doped incommensurate TlInS2.Physica Status solidi (A}2006, 203, No. 11, 28456. Conduction anisotrjpy of intercalated relaxor TlInS2<Ge>ferroelectrics. Russia /CIS/ Baltik /Japan Symposium on Ferroelectricity RCBJSF-9,Vilnius, Lathuania, 2008, 561 7. Features of conductivity anisotropy of intercalated nanodimensional relaxor TlInS2<Ge>. Journal ”ScientificIsrael-Technological Advantages” Material engineering ,2009, v.11, no.1,99 8. Особенности проводимости γ – облученных кристаллов TlGaTe2 с наноцепочечной структурой. ФТП, 2010,том 44, вып.5, 6109. Гигантская диэлектрическая релаксация в кристаллах TlGaTe2.ФТТ, 2011, т.53, вып.8, 1488 10. Суперионная проводимость кристаллах В TlGaTe2 .ФТП, 2011,том 45, вып.8, 1009 11. Superionic conductivity in One-Dimensional Nanofibrous TiGaTe2 Crystals. Japanese J.Appl. Physics.50 (2011), 05FCO9-1 12. Суперионнaя проводимость, эффекты переключения и памяти в кристаллах TlInTe2 и TlInSe2. ФТП, 2011, том 45, вып.11,1441 13. Superionic Conductivity and γ -Radiation-Induced Effects in Nanofibrous TlGaTe2 Crystals. International Journal of .Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnology.vol.1,Isse1, 2012.p.20-28. 14. Ионная проводимость и диэлектрическая релаксация в кристаллах TlGaTe2облученных γ – квантами. ФТП, 2013, т. 47, в. 5. с.696-701. 15. Поляризация вызванная объемыми зарядами, и ионная проводимость в кристаллах TlInSe2. ФТП, 2014, т. 48, в. 4. с.442-447.16. Prospective Application of A3B3C62 Type Semiconductors for Developing Nano-size Electronic Devices. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnology Volume 2, Issue 1, Year 2014 Journal ISSN: 1929-2724 DOI: 10.11159/ijtan.2014.00 17. Impedance spectroscopy study of phase transitions to ionic and superionic conductivity states in Ag2S and Ag2Se. Physica status solidi (С).Apr 24, 2015, 1–5 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/pssc.201400366. 18. Temperature dependent spectroscopic ellipsometry of Ag2Se and Ag2S with phase transitions from ionic to superionic conductivity state. Physica status solidi (С).5 MAY 2015,DOI: 10.1002/pssc.201400367 19. Investigating the dielectric properties and low-frequency relaxation process of TlGaSe2 crystals, Modern Physics Letters B, 1750134, 2017, World Scientif. Publish. 20. High-temperature phaze transitions in TLİnTe2 crystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 135701-1, 2018, p.1-9. 21. impact of γ-irradiation on dielectric and electric properties of TlInS2 crystals, Вопросы атомной науки и техники (ВАНТ), ISSN 1562-6016. PASТ. 2019. №2(120), p. 30-33 |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | ||
Pedagogical activity | ||
Other activities | ||
Awards and prizes | Honory diploma of ANAS | |
Main place of work and its address | Institute of Radiation Problems of ANAS, AZ1143, B.Vahabzadeh 9, Baku, Azerbaijan | |
Position | Head of the laboratory | |
Office phone | (994 12) 539 33 91 | |
Mobile | (+994 50) 3100360 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 3717002 | |
Fax | (994 12) 5398318 | | |