Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Alakbarov Urkhan Kazim oglu
Place of Birth Baku   
Date of Birth 28.04.1943 
Education Azerbaijan State University (Baku State University) 
Scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

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Genetic effects of inhibitors of free-radical processes

Topic of doctoral thesis:

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Cytogenetic study of antimutagens actions and development of ways of their practical application

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

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Election of active member of ANAS:

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Total number of scientific publications 310 
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 200 
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 22 
Certificates of authorship and number of patents 28 
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements: Professional and scientific career on Gene Pool Conservation; Environment, Sustainable and Knowledge-Based Development; Ecocivilization Planning, Management and Assessment.

1979 – Forecast and Prevention of the Biodiversity Reduction. (A new concept allowing identification of the most vulnerable species by analyzing resistance capacity of genetic structures. Important for biodiversity conservation. Patented. Concept and details outlined presented in different books and published papers).

1981- New Complex System to provide for Ecological Security. (A new system of sustainable environment management based on the technological, componential and compensatory approaches. Concept and details have been presented in different books and papers).

1992 – New System of Health/Environmental Quality Assessment and Management. (The concept introduces an informative and economically effective human centered system of the health/environmental assessment based on the genetic indicators. Concept proposes a compensatory approach for health/environmental sustainable management though the use of antimutagens, anticarcinogens, geroprotectors. Concept and details have been presented in different books and papers).

1998 – "Ecocivil" as a goal of the Sustainable Development. (The new concept specifies the necessity of combining an optimal proportion between the population size and growth, consumption culture (including the green fashioning), creation of new consumption culture, providing for the antimutagenic regulation of the resistance in existing ecological situation, and green economic development. Ecocivil concept targets to steer society from excessive to reasonable consumption behavior. Starting from 1998 concept and it's different details and components have been presented in different books and papers).

1996- "Gene Drain" instead of "Brain Drain". (A new concept which refers to the situation when significant proportion of skilled labor force leave forever their native countries creating generational gap in skilled labor and impacts traditions/capacities in various areas of skilled trade. Azerbaijan HDR, 1998, Chapter 2).

1998 – "Development with a technological lag". (A new concept which means that development approaches offered to the newly independent or developing countries are based on new for them but outdated by global standard technologies and approaches. Such type of development contributes to the widening gap between the developed and developing world. This form of development is labeled as "development without future" - it limits the countries' free competitiveness in the future. Azerbaijan HDR, 1998, Chapter 4).

2006 – "Environmental planning and management as an integrated system". (A new concept which means that environmental planning, management and monitoring is an integrated system with natural, social, economical and political layers. Basics of Sustainable Human Development, Textbook for Universities and other tertiary schools, Baku, "Tehsil", 2006, Chapter 1).

2011 – "Ecocivilization Index". (A new index for quantitative assessment of countries or territories for readiness for transition to new level of civilization – ecological civilization. Proceedings of the Azerbaijan National MaB, UNESCO "Ecological Civilization, Sustainable Development, Environment, 2011, v. 7).

Urkhan Alakabrov's scientific and humanitarian concepts and ideas received worldwide support and recognition. His citations are quoted and referenced in numerous international sources, including those, which have been presented in the sections "International Leaders and Celebrities Speak Out". Urkhan Alakabrov is cited in this sources as "Azerbaijan geneticist and development expert" along with following persons: Hillary Clinton, 67th US Secretary of State, Kofi Annan, 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations, Angelina Jolie, UN Goodwill Ambassador and American Film Star, Giorgio Armani, Italian fashion designer and business leader, Jessica Biel, American film star, Elie Wiesel, Recipient of the Nobel Prize and others,,,

http://refugee-stories, outcames.html,,,, others

Names of scientific works: The author of more than 300 scientific publications, including of the following books:Автор более 300 научных публикаций, в том числе из следующих книг:

1. Антимутагены и проблема защиты генетического аппарата. Баку, 1979, 114с.

2. Антимутагенез:теоретические и практические аспекты. Москва, «Наука», 1984, 105 с.

3. Физиология регуляции мутагенеза. Баку, 1989, 143с.

4. Вопросы охраны генефонда в решении некоторых экологических и экономических проблем в Азербайджанской ССР. Баку, 1989, 41 с.

5. Экологическая концепция Азербайджанской Республики. Баку,1992.

6. Mutagenez və mutasiyanın analiz üsulları (dərs vəsaiti) BDU nəşriyyatı, 1992

7. Ekologiya. Dünyamızın bu günü və sabahı- Ayna uşaq enskiklopediyası, Bakı, 2000, 99s.

8. Biologiya, 6-7-ci sinif Ümumtəhsil məktəbləri üçün dərslik.Bakı, 2001, 287s.

9. İnsan inkişafı. Fakültətiv kursuna dair tədris vəsaiti, Bakı- 2003, 110 s.

10. Ümumtəhsil məktəblərinin 10 –cu sinifləri üçün Davamlı insan inkiçafı fakültativ kursunun proqramı. UNDP. Bakı- 2003, 24 səh.

11. Ekologiya. Dünyamızın bu günü və sabahı(uşaq ensiklopediyası).Bakı-2005, 79s.

12. İnsan və cəmiyyət(8-ci sinif üçün dərslik). Baki-2005,141s.

13. Davamlı insan inkişafı (tədris proqramı) Bakı, Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti, 2005, 24 s.

14. Inhibitors of mutagenesis and their relevance to carcinogenesis (C. Ramel, B. Ames, T. Kada, L. Wattenberg. Report of International Experts Group). Mutation Research, 1986, v. 168, p. 47-65.

15. Davamlı insan inkişafının əsasları. Bakı, Təhsil, 207, 132 s.

16. Capacity building for transition to ecological civilization. In: Ecological Civilization, Sustainable Development, Environment. Proceedings of the "Man and Biosphere" (MaB, UNESCO) Azerbaijan National Committee, 2010, v.6, p. 5-12.

17. Davamlı insan inkişafı və ekoloji sivilizasiyanın əsasları Bakı, 2013

18. Sürdürülebilir insani geliçim ve ekoloji sivilizasyonun esasları anadolu Universiteti, Eskişehir, 2014

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: 1. Coordination, advisory and training services for United Nations (Baku, Petersburg, Pristine, Vilnius, Dushanbe, New York, Warsaw, Kiev, etc.).

2. Member of Environmental and Social Advisory Council, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (London, UK), one of 11 members

3. Member of the International Coordinating Council of the MaB (Man and Biosphere) Program, UNESCO (Paris, France)

4. Chairman of the Man & Biosphere (MaB, UNESCO) National Committee

5. Adjunct Scientist and Coordinator, American Health Foundation (USA, New York)

6. International Program on Environmental Health (USA, New York), member of the Steering Committee;

7. International Program on Chemical Safety (World Health Organization, Geneva), group leader

8.Expert Group of the International Commission Against Environmental Genotoxicants (Institute de la Vie, France), one of the five members

9.Member of Editorial Board of the scientific journals published in Azerbaijan, USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Turkey, Russia, Georgia, others ("Cell Biology and Toxicology", Turkish Journal of Biology, others). Member of various scientific societies and academies based in Azerbaijan, USA, Russia, Turkey, Georgia

10. Educational activity: Lectures and seminars in Azerbaijan's Universities, Universities of USA (Columbia University, Kansas University, Texas University, Lehigh University, Rutgers University, University of Michigan, Jackson State University, New York University, Mississippi Valley State University, others), Germany (Greiswald University), Turkey (Gadjitepe University, Chukurova University), Sweden (Stockholm University), Georgia (Tbilisi State University, Georgian Agrarian Academy), etc.

11. Author of the 10 textbooks for tertiary and secondary schools, including world first textbook on sustainable human development for general secondary schools. Honorary doctor of Georgian State Agrarian University. One of the founders of the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy.

Pedagogical activities Azerbaijani and foreign higher education institutions, including the United States (Columbia University, Kansas University, Washington University, Lehigh University, Rutgers University, University of Michigan, Jackson State University, New York University, Mississippi Valley State University, and others), Germany (Greiswald University) Turkey (Gadjitepe University, Chukurova University), Sweden (Stockholm University), Russia (Moscow State University), Georgia (Tbilisi State University, Georgian Agrarian Academy), Israel (Tel Aviv University), other higher educational lectures and seminars. An honorary doctorate from Georgia State Agrarian Academy. ADA (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy) founders. 10 textbooks and manuals for middle and high schools, middle schools, including the world's first textbook dedicated to sustainable human development.  
Other activities: Report to officials of international development organizations, seminars and guides:

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, London), UN HQ - UNDP and other UN Agencies (New York), World Bank (Washington), Environmental Committees of the Parliaments, Private Environmental and Development Companies (Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, Italy, Norway).

He is foremost in the distribution of scientific achievements by articles and speeches through electronic mass media in many different countries of the world. U. Alakbarov’s popular articles was published in such magazines as “Science and life”, “Nature”, “Science in USSR”, as well as in the magazines published in USA, Japan, Norway, Poland, and others. Along with the Azerbaijan National TV U.Alakbarov gave interview for CNN, the Russian, France, Japan, Sweden, Turkish, Bulgarian and other country’s TV. 
Awarding and prizes 1. The LKGI Prize winner - 1974;

2. "For Labor Distinction" awards - 1980;

3. Honorary Title – 1986;

4. Medal of Honor – 2014; 
Place of work and its address The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Az1001, Lermontov str., 74, Baku 
Position Rector 
Office phone (+994 12) 4926529 
Mobil (+994 50) 4959944 
Home phone (+994 12) 5398691 
Fax (+994 12) 4926515 