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Prominent scientist-surgeon and public figure Mustafa Bey Agabey oglu Topchubashov was born in 1895 in the village of Goygumbad, Western Azerbaijan.
After the completion of primary education in 1904 M.A.Topchubashov enrolled gymnasium and after graduating from there in 1914 he entered the Medical Faculty of the Medical University in Kiev. Young doctor, who educated as a surgeon in the hospitals of Nakhchivan and Baku in 1920-1923 was an intern of the Medical Faculty of Baku State University Surgical Clinic, in the years 1923-1930 worked as an assistant in the clinic of Surgery. In 1930 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Clinic, pathology and surgical treatment of malarial splenomegaly", for the scientific importance of this work was awarded the title of professor, and he was appointed head of the Department of Surgery at the Azerbaijan Medical University, before the end of his life honorably served this post. In 1937, Mustafa Bey Topchibashov for the first time in the world history of anesthetic science discovered an original method of anesthesia - ether-oil injection anesthesia - method of analgesia. This method has become widely used because of its simplicity, ease of preparation and application technology, the lack of negative circumstances during inhalation anesthesia (anesthesia deep sleep, high blood concentrations of drugs, etc.). The ether-oil injections have also been used as a means of pain relief during attacks of gallstone disease, traumatic shock, tetanus, cramps, as well as in childbirth. In 1945, at a meeting of the Committee of Science and Pharmacology Medical Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR it was given permission to manufacture the ether oil mixture called "Analgezin". In 1964, the Academic Council of the All-Union Institute of Surgery named after Vishnevsky Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Mustafa Bey Topchibashov was awarded a commemorative medal Vishnevskiy for merits in development of medical science, in particular, the development of injection method analgezin. Mustafa Bey Topchubashov in 1940 was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science of Azerbaijan, while in 1943 deserved to the Stalin Prize. Activities of Professor Mustafa Bey Topchibashov in achieving victory in the World War II have been praised. So, he was awarded the "Gold Star" medal "For Defense of the Caucasus", "For Victory over Germany", "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 years." The name of the outstanding scientist was on the list of 15 eminent scientists - active members elected to the newly created Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 1945. In 1947-1949 he headed the Institute of Experimental Medicine. Mustafa Bey Topchibashov from 1951 until his death worked as Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. M.Topchubashov in 1949 was elected a corresponding member, and in 1960 – an active member of the USSR Academy of Medicine. The scientific activity of the outstanding scientist is multifaceted. He is the author of 200 scientific papers, 8 books, a large number of scientific journals, textbooks in 5 volumes in a volume of 110 printed pages in the Azerbaijani language. M.Topchubashov over 62 years of work spent about 100 thousands of successful surgeries. It is, in addition to intense scientific and practical activities, as did a great job in the field of medical training. He supervised to 35 people defended their PhD and doctoral dissertations. M.A.Topchibashov was a corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, elected in 1951, in 1954 a member of the World Association of Surgeons in the XI Congress of Lisbon. He was a member of the All-Union Society of Surgeons, an honorary member of the Society of Surgery named after Vishnevsky, co-editor of "Great Medical Encyclopedia", editor "Abdominal surgery." Topchubashov worked for many years chairman of the Peace Committee of Azerbaijan, a member of the Committee for Friendship with Asia, Africa and Latin America. In 1959, for the fruitful work in this area has been awarded the silver medal of the World Peace Council. In 1955-59 and 1967-71 he was the chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan SSR, was elected to the Supreme Council of the Republic of IX convocation, chairman of the Peace Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic, a member of the All-Union Peace Committee, a member of the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with Asian and African countries, the editor of 'Big medical encyclopedia" and a member of the main editorial board of the Azerbaijan Soviet encyclopedia. In 1975 he was awarded the highest award - the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, four Orders of Lenin, Red Banner of Labor, the Order "Badge of Honor", military orders and medals, Bulg. Order "Cyril and Methodius" III of degree, meanwhile, the Order of "Sanitary Defense of the USSR" and the badge "Excellence in sanitary defense of the USSR." M.Topchubashov was the author of over 200 scientific papers, including labor "Special Surgery" in 5 volumes, 7 monographs, inventions and discoveries. Under his leadership, was presented to the defense 8 doctoral and 16 PhD theses. Organizer of medical education and health care in Azerbaijan, one of the founders of scientific school of surgery in the country, Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan USSR, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Worker of Science of the Azerbaijan SSR , vice President of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR Mustafa bey Topchibashov passed away on November 20, 1981 in Baku and was buried in the Alley of Honor. |