Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Jafarov Isgandar Sadikhovich
I. Jafarov was born in 1948 in Baku. In 1971 he graduated from Geological-Exploration Department of the Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute (now Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University) with a degree in Engineering and Geophysics.

I.Jafarov received a PhD in 1975, doctor’s degree in Geology and Mineralogy in 1986, and in 1989 he was elected as a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

I. Jafarov started activity at the Institute of Deep Oil and Gas Field Problems of AAS. Up until 1993, I.Jafarov worked at this institute from the position as a junior scientific researcher to the post of chief department. The area of scientific interest was the development of mathematical methods of modeling and predicting the properties of geological objects. He used the petrophysical relationship, the geophysical parameters, the geological models, and the probable determinant approach in assessing the resources of the oil and gas reservoirs.

I.Jafarov conducted his research on the basis of system approach and using computer technology in geological-geophysical data analysis, developed original computer programs to solve hydrocarbon exploration issues.

I.Jafarov participated in the works on calculation of reserves of some deposits of the Caspian Sea and was an expert on Tengiz, Karachaganak and Samotlor fields. In 1993-1997 he worked as a senior researcher at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Oil (Moscow). He worked as Senior Vice-President of the Siberian-Ural Oil and Gas Company. In 1998 he was elected as a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

He has 127 scientific works, including 9 monographs. 17 PhDs have been prepared under the leadership of I.Jafarov and he is the author of 11 patents. I. Jafarov was the winner of the prize named after I.M.Gubkin and was awarded the title of Honorary Oilman of Russia. In 2006 he was awarded the RF State Prize in science and technology.

Correspondent member of ANAS Iskandar Jafarov died in Russia in 2013.
