Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Demirchizadeh Abdulazal Mammad oglu
Corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Abdulezel Mammad oglu Demirchizade was born in Sheki in 1909. He received primary and secondary education in Sheki. After graduating from the Sheki Teachers Seminar, he began his career as a teacher at City School No 2 in 1925. His first article was published in the “New School” in that year. A.Demirchizade has shown great interest in artistic creativity in his youth, wrote poems, stories and essays. However, he was more interested in scientific work and, therefore, directed his entire activity to the field of scientific research.

Demirchizadeh came to Baku in 1929 and entered the Pedagogical Faculty of AUL. He was admitted to the Department of Languages in 1933 as a postgraduate student. In 1936, the first book titled "Turkic language" was published after the postgraduate study, in 1938, the second book entitled "Summaries of the Azerbaijani Literary Language History" was published. In 1940, Demirchizade was awarded the scientific degree of PhD on philological sciences.

The scientist continued his scientific researches in the field of language history. In 1944, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme of "History of the Azerbaijani language (ancient period)". In 1945 he was awarded the title of professor. From 1940 to 1943, he headed the Azerbaijani Linguistic Chairs at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute at the Azerbaijan State University (present BSU) from 1943 until the end of his life.

Demirchizadeh was elected as Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan AS in 1955. He has published more than 20 books, more than 200 scientific and scientific-methodical articles. In these works, as an innovative scientist, the more unspecified areas of Azerbaijani linguistics (phonetics, orfoepia, etymology, stylistic language, history of language etc.) were researched. He is the author of following books - "The summary history of Azerbaijani language", "The history of Azerbaijani literary language", "Historical Grammar of Azerbaijani Language" and " The History of Azerbaijani Literary Language (II part)", "Fundamentals of the Azerbaijani orthoepy". The prominent scientist has done a great deal of research in the field of etymology, and has published his research in 1962 with an original book called "50 words".

Corresponding member of ANAS Abdulezel Demirchizade died in 1979 in Baku.
