Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Ahmadov Goshgar Teymur oglu
Ahmedov Goshgar Teymur oglu was born on October 20, 1917 in Gedebey region. In1930-33 in Baku International School of Pedagogy, in 1940 he graduated from the Physics-Mathematics faculty of the Azerbaijan State University and in 1942, the Military Academy named after F. Dzerzhinski. He defended his PhD thesis in 1960 and doctor’s in 1961, and in 1969 became a member of AAS.

He was Assistant, Associate Professor, Assistant Dean of the Azerbaijan State University in 1946-1961, Head of the Department of Differential and Integral Equations from 1958 until the end of his life and in 1970-1972 years he hold the position of Dean of Mechanics and Mathematics faculty.

The main scientific direction of G.Ahmedov is related to the theory of nonlinear integral equations. He has gained significant scientific results in the theory of management, theory of differential equations. A class of non-linear integral equations, which depends on the parameter of the nucleus, has been investigated by the method of cracked cores.

Since 1965 has started scientific activity in the field of mathematical theory of optimal processes, and has directed a large group of younger generation to carry out scientific researches in this direction. In 1965, for the first time in our republic, he organized a scientific seminar on "Mathematical bases of optimal control", where he studied various new fields of mathematics (theory of optimal control, theory of differential equations, theory of stability).

G.Ahmedov is the author of over 70 scientific works. Under his leadership, more than 60 philosophical doctors have been trained.

G.Ahmedov was a member of the Moscow Mathematical Society and the Methodological Council on Mathematics under the Ministry of Higher Education of the former USSR.

Corresponding member of ANAS Goshgar Ahmedov died in Baku in 1975.
