Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Aliyev Abdul Hajiali oglu
A.Aliyev was born in 1911 in Gubachi village, Daghestan's Dakhadayev. In 1936 he graduated from the Geological-Exploration Faculty of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (now Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University).

A. Aliyev was a PhD in Geology and Mineralogy in 1940, and in 1946 received doctor’s degree in Geology and Mineralogy, and in 1955 he was elected as a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

Doctoral thesis of A. Aliyev has made a significant contribution to the study of the oil and gas layer of Azerbaijan.

A. Aliyev began his career as an engineer-geologist at the Azneftkeshfiyyat Trust. He worked as director of the Institute of Geology (1948-1951) and led the Laboratory of Physical Properties of Rocks. In 1951-1959 he was appointed as head of the newly established Oil Expedition of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, great work has been done to calculate the oil and gas reserves of promising deposits in Azerbaijan, and numerous projects on impacts on fields have been developed, which has contributed to the increase of oil production in Azerbaijan's oil fields. Scientific activity is devoted to the study of paleogeography of petrography, correlations and mezo-cenozoy basins of sedimentary deposits in Azerbaijan. He has developed numerous innovations to deeply understand the paleogeography of the mezo-wetland basins in Azerbaijan.

A. Aliyev was one of the scientists who designed the oil fields and lithological maps of Azerbaijan. He argued for the first time that it was necessary to study the characteristics of carbonate rocks as oil and gas collectors in Azerbaijan.

A. Aliyev was the rector of Dagestan State University in the last years of his life, and also led the Phase and Paleogeography Laboratory of the Institute of Geology of the AAS.

A. Aliyev has been engaged in pedagogical activity as well as scientific research, has taught for several years at Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (now ASOA) and Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University).

A. Aliyev has been the author of more than 100 published works, including 10 monographs.

Under the leadership of A.Aliyev, 20 PhDs have been prepared, some of whom have become doctors of science, academics in the future.

Correspondent member of ANAS Abdul Aliyev died in Dagestan in 1965.
