Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Gasanov İlyas Saleh oglu

Hasanov Ilyas was born in 1927 in the village of Khankervand in Goranboy region. In 1952 he graduated from the geological-exploration faculty of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (now Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry) with the degree of engineer-geologist.

In 1966, I. Hasanov received PhD degree, and a doctoral degree in 1990 in geological and mineralogical sciences, while was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and in 2001.

I.Hasanov started his career as a geologist at the Complex Scientific Research Marine Geophysical Expedition, then he served as chief of Geophysical Group, deputy head of the Department of Oil Research at the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute. Since 1965, he worked as chief geologist, head laboratory at Azerbaijan branch of All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysics, since 1988 as head of Complex Geophysical-Geological Survey Laboratory at Azerbaijan Scientific Research Geophysical Institute.

I.Hasanov was one of the leading scientists in geology and geophysical generalization and tectonics in Azerbaijan. Under his direct participation and management, a number of works have been published on the geological and deep geological structure of the sedimentary complexes of the Middle and South Caspian, the depths, history of geological development, tectonic zoning and the oil and gas prospects of the area. Meanwhile, under his leadership and direct participation, a whole series of paleo-geographical maps and atlases of the oil and gas perspective structures of Azerbaijan, Europe and Asia, based on the new information, was developed on the Caspian Sea, the South Caspian oil and gas basin. The high value of these atlases has been repeatedly acknowledged in the former Soviet Union by a number of prominent oil and gas scientists and experts from foreign oil companies who bought them. Two of those colored atlases, equipped with monographical explanatory books, were printed at a cartographic factory in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), later translated into English and purchased by more than 20 companies.

I.Hasanov has been lecturing on geophysics for over 6 years at the Department of Physical Geography of the Faculty of Geography at Baku State University. He was elected an active member of the Academy of Eco Energy in 1997.

I.Hasanov is the author of more than 200 scientific works, including 6 monographs, 6 brochures, 4 maps and a discovery, was an author and co-author of "Atlas of the oil and gas and promising structures of Azerbaijan", "Atlas of the Caspian Oil and Gas Structures", “Atlas of the South Caspian Oil and Gas Basin and Prospective Structures. He has been a member of Expert Group on Geological Content Maps and atlases under the Higher Attestation Commission, Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan in 1967, and the "Million Tons of Oil in Azerbaijan" in 1970, and the Excellence in Earthquake Exploration of the USSR Ministry of Geology in 1977 and 1987. In 1991 Hasanov was awarded the title of Honored Geologist of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 1994 he was awarded with the National Prize named after H.Z. Taghiyev.

Corresponding member of ANAS Ilyas Hasanov died in 2002 in Baku.
