Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Hasanov Tofig Abdulla oglu
T. Hasanov was born in 1921 in Baku. In 1938, he entered the Geology and Exploration Faculty of the Azerbaijan Oil Industry Institute (now Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry), and during the Great Patriotic War his education was incomplete. In 1948 he graduated from the same institute as an engineer-geologist.

T. Hasanov received a phD in 1954 and a doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences in 1967, and in 2001 he became a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

In 1946-1951 he worked as a geologist in the field expeditions of the Azerbaijan Geological Department, chief geologist at the Oil Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1951-1954 he studied postgraduate study at the Institute of Geology of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (AAS) (now the Institute of Geology and Geophysics). His scientific activity was related to the study of stratigraphy and paleontology of the Jurassic sediments of Azerbaijan. He presented for the first time the biostratigraphic distribution of volcanogenic and pyroplastic sediments of the Lower Jurassic sediments of the Shamkir anticline and the eastern part of the Lesser Caucasus.

T.Hasanov continued his scientific research in the World Oceans of the AAS's "Science" ship in 1982, doing important research work in the Amur River basin, Japan, the East and South China Seas, the Indian Ocean, Colombo, Singapore and Khabarovsk. T.Hasanov was one of the founders and president of the Azerbaijan Paleontology Society. He has also been involved in historical issues in geology. Since 1999 he has been the director of the Museum of Natural History after H. Zardabi.

Hasanov is the author of more than 250 scientific articles, including 8 monographs.

Hasanov has been awarded various medals by the state for his fruitful scientific and organizational and pedagogical activities. He was awarded the 1944 Medal of Honor of the Caucasus, the Veteran of Labor, the Veteran of Labor and the various medals of the USSR Oil Industry for his effective work in 1965, 1970, 1975 and 1985.

Corresponding member of ANAS Tofig Hasanov died in 2005 in Baku.
