Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Ibadli Oruj Vali oglu
Oruj Ibadli was born on November 5, 1938, in Dovlatyarli, Fizuli village. After graduating from secondary school in 1955, in 1960 he continued his education in Ganja Physical Education College. After graduating Physical Education College he entered Ganja Pedagogical Institute faculty of biology and successfully graduated. Since 1967 he worked as a junior researcher in the Department of Botanical Garden of ANAS Institute of Botany. In 1969 he entered postgraduate study of the same institute, in 1973 he defended thesis " Biological characteristics and culture of some wild ornamental plants in Azerbaijan flora” and was deserved to PhD in biology. Since 1977, worked senior researcher at Institute of Botany, since 1988 as a lead researcher and by decision of ANAS Presidium dated February 4, 2000, was elected the director of Central Botanical Garden. He was the author of over 200 scientific papers and monographs. Has collected 500 species of plants in the environment of the Absheron geofit. Their more than 150 species have been proposed for use in farms.

The main scientific achievements were taxonomic structure of geofits, life forms, to study their spread in Caucasus and elaboration of growing agrotechnics in Absheron. As a result of researches, concept of Caucasus geofits was designed, taxonomic life of rare and endangered 526 species from 28 families and 92 species, including 125 types have been divided into 4 groups.

In 2004, defended doctoral thesis on topic “Geofits of Caucasus and their introduction in Absheron” and gained Doctor of bilological sciences degree.

Scientist’s “Geofits of Caucasus”, “Konspekt qeofitov Kafkaza”, etc. works study modern taxonomic structure of Caucasus geofits. He is one of the co-authors of “Red book”, and Azerbaijan Soviet Ensyclopedia VI, IX, X covers.

In 2007 was elected a corresponding member of ANAS.

He awarded with “Tereggi” medal on the occasion of 60th jubilee of ANAS and Honor Titles of ANAS for his merits in science.

Notable Azerbaijan botanist - scientist, former director of ANAS Botanical Garden, Dr. in Biology, corresponding member of ANAS Oruj Ibadli passed away on February 23, at 77 age.
