Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Kerimov İngilab Saleh oglu
Karimov Ingilab Saleh ogluwas born on April 4, 1931 in Goychay.

He studied secondary school in Goychay, graduated from the Theater Education Faculty of the Azerbaijan Theater Institute in 1953 and became one of the first professional theater teachers in our country. From 1957 to 1979 he worked at the Institute of Architecture and Art of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. He has graduated from post-graduate department to the position of head of department and since 1985 he headed the theater, cinema and television department of the institute.

I.Karimov defended his candidate dissertation in 1963, doctor's dissertation in 1988, was awarded the title of professor in 1988. In 2001 he was elected as a corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

He is one of the founders of national theater science, he is the author of hundreds of articles, nearly 200 scientific works, including 25 monographs and books dedicated to the history, criticism and theoretical issues of the Azerbaijan theater. The prominent scientist also made a great contribution to the development of scientific staff, under his leadership 15 received  Ph.D. degrees.

I. Karimov has been engaged in pedagogical activity for many years as well as for more than 40 years as a professor of the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Art, he has provided great services in the training of highly qualified cadres.

The prominent scientist also engaged in artistic creativity.

Corresponding member of ANAS Ingilab Karimov died on July 22, 2011 in Baku.
