Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Mammadov Zakir Jabbar oglu
Zakir Mammadov was born on August 16, 1936 in the Agdam region. In 1957, he graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Azerbaijan State University. In 1969, Zakir Mammadov successfully defended PhD degree on the topic “The logical views of Sirajeddin Urmavi”. In 1990 he received a Doctorof Science degree. In 2001, he was elected as a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

Since 1962, Zakir Mammadov began his career in ANAS Institute of Oriental Studies as a junior research assistant. From September 1962 to September 1963, as a first Azerbaijani translator, he worked on the construction of a dam in Egypt. During a year of his work in Egypt, he studied local dialects, and also collected rich scientific material in Arabic. After returning to his homeland, he began teaching at the Azerbaijan State University (n ow Baku State University) the Egyptian dialect of the Arabic language, and for his scientific interest in the collected material on Eastern philosophy, he was hired by the philosophy department of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (now the Institute of Philosophy of ANAS).

From 1969 - 1970, Zakir Mammadov as a scientific editor at the Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia took an active part in writing articles on national philosophy. It was thanks to his research that scholarly philosophers ended up in a ten-volume national encyclopedia.

Zakir Mammadov was also engaged in teaching, teaching in higher education institutions philosophy, Azerbaijani philosophy, history of Eastern philosophy.

From 1997-2000, Zakir Mammadov was a member of the expert council on "history, theology, philosophy, psychology and pedagogical sciences" of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic.

Occupying an important place in the work of Zakir Mammadov and the crown of his work, the book “History of Azerbaijani Philosophy” is a reflection of his more than 30 years of research and is dedicated to the rich philosophical heritage of Azerbaijani philosophers and thinkers. The book covers the history of the development of Azerbaijani philosophy, ideological trends, philosophies from ancient times to the end of the XIX century, explores the worldviews of their Azerbaijani representatives on the basis of Eastern philosophical thought. The works of Bakhmanyar were translated from Arabic into Azerbaijani, and a small excerpt from his “Book of Knowledge Acquisition” and two other treatises were published entirely.

In addition to the scientific philosophers, also historians, writers and lawyers used in their work the works of Zakir Mammadov. The scientist is the author of 20 books and 250 scientific articles.

Corresponding Member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Zakir Mammadov died on March 2, 2003 in Baku.
