Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Shikhlinski Anvar Mamay oglu
A.Shikhlinski was born in 1911 in Gazakhbeyli village of Gazakh region. He graduated from the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute in 1932 in Ganja. In 1933, he was trained at Leningrad (St.Petersburg), where he trained specialists-climatologists at the General Geophysical Observatory.

In 1947 A.Shikhlinski was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geography, and in 1971 - Doctor of Geography, and in 1972 he became a Corresponding Member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (AEA).

A.Shikhlinski started his career as a specialist-climatologist and chief of the climate department in the Azerbaijan Hydrometeorological Service Center. From the time of the establishment of the Institute of Geography, he worked as a junior researcher, chief researcher, head of the Department of Physical Geography and Climatology, Deputy Director and Director of Scientific Affairs, and as Director Advisor. He has been a lecturer at Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University), Head of Department at Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, and Dean of the Faculty of Geography.

The main areas of scientific activity of A. Shikhlinski were general climatology, classification of the Azerbaijani climate, radiation and thermal balance of mountain countries, climate modeling, development of climate mapping methodologies in mountainous countries.

The first booklet on climate of Azerbaijan, Dagestan and the Caspian Sea was published with the participation and guidance of A. Shikhlinsky.

A. Shikhlinski's scientific creativity is not limited to climatology. He gave the physical and geographical zoning of the territory of the republic (together with V.K.Zavriyev) and published it in the Geographical Atlas of the Azerbaijan SSR (1949). A. Shikhlinski was the scientific director, editor and one of the main authors of the fundamental work "Soviet Azerbaijan" (1958). Among its achievements are the large-scale climate map of Azerbaijan (1961, 1977, 1991).

Under the leadership of A. Shikhlinski 25 PhDs were trained.

A. Shikhlinski has been awarded the State Award of Azerbaijan, the title of Honored Scientist of Azerbaijan, distinguished in labor and science, as well as many times with orders and medals for his services in the Great Patriotic War.

Corresponding member of ANAS Anvar Shikhlinski died in 1992 in Baku.
