Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Hajiyev Tofig Ismayil oglu
Active member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Hajiyev Tofig was born in 1936 in the Soltanly village, Jebrail region. After graduating from high school in Soltanly, in 1953 he entered the philological department of Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University). After graduating from university with a diploma of distinction, he entered graduate school in the specialty "Linguistics". In 1962 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Jebrail dialect of the Azerbaijani language" and in 1969 - Doctoral thesis "Literary Azerbaijani language of the beginning of the 20th century". In 2007 he was elected as corresponding member and in 2014 - an active member of ANAS.The scientist was the author of the textbook "History of the literary Azerbaijani language", monographs and textbooks "History of the literary Azerbaijani language", "Literary Azerbaijani language of the beginning of the XX century", "History of the Azerbaijani language", "Azerbaijani language".The books: “The Language of Satire”, “The Language of the Writer and the Ideological and Artistic Analysis”, “The Language and Style of Molla Nasreddin”, “Fuzuli: Mastery of the Language”. Textbooks for secondary schools “Turkish Language” (for XI grades), “Turkish Language” (for X – XI grades) have been published. In general, the scientist is the author of 20 books and over 400 scientific papers.T.Hajiyev did a great job in the field of personnel education, prepared for our republic and other Turkic peoples many scientists in the field of the history of language and dialectology.T.Hajiyev delivered a paper on the history of the language and current topics of dialectology at scientific conferences and symposia in Chisinau, Almaty, Dushanbe, Bishkek, Nukus, Nalchik and others.Academician T.Hajiyev in 2014-2015 served as director of ANAS Institute of Linguistics after Nasimi, head of the department of Turkology of Baku State University.T.Hajiyev died on November 27, 2015.
