Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Azizov Akif Hamid oglu
A.Azizov in 1971 became a PhD in chemistry, in 1991 a Doctor of chemical sciences and in 1992 received the title of Professor. In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 2014 - an active member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

After graduated from in graduate school A. Azizov worked as a junior research assistant at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, senior research fellow, head of the laboratory and head of the department, in 1988-2014 worked at the position of deputy director for scientific work.

The scientist in 1972-1985. He served as deputy chairman of the specialized council for petroleum chemistry, in 2009-2010. - Chairman of the Expert Council on Chemical Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and since March 2014 he was Director of the Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS.

In 1972-1985 scientist held a position of the vice-chairman of specialized council for oil chemistry, in 2009-2010 - the chairman of Chairman of the Expert Council on Chemical Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and since March, 2014 held a position of the director of the Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS.

A.Azizov is the famous scientist in the field of oil chemistry, a catalysis and chemistry of high-molecular connections. The main direction it scientific activity was use of metal complex and metalorganic catalysts in the course of petrochemical synthesis, creation of catalytic systems for processes of an oligomerization and polymerization, receiving a number of new monomers and reactive oligomer, development of ion-liquid technologies, etc. scientific bases in petrochemical and oil processing processes.

A. Azizov is the author of 594 scientific and journalistic works, as well as 73 copyright certificates and a patent, 20 monographs and books. 341 scientific works of the scientist were published abroad. Known international journals refer to his publications. Under the leadership of A. Azizov 13 doctors of philosophy, 3 doctors of sciences were protected.

A.Azizov was a member of a number of societies for chemistry and scientific councils, as well as a foreign member of the Scientific Council "Chemistry of Mineral and Carbonate Raw Materials" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the American Chemical Society and the New York Academy of Sciences, the Scientific and Technical Council for Oil Refining under the State Oil company, specialized councils for awarding scientific degrees at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after academician M.Nagiyev of the National Academy of Sciences, problem councils "Petroleum chemistry, kinetics and catalysis", member of the editorial board ion board "Azerbaijan chemistry journal" magazine, "Oil chemistry and oil refining processes", "Science World". The scientist was also a member of the working group of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) for the construction of a new oil and gas and petrochemical complex in Azerbaijan, a member of the expert commissions of the Science Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Scientific Foundation of SOCAR and ANAS.

A.Azizov was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a medal "For Labor Valor", an Individual Grant of the Soros Foundation, as well as honorary degrees of ANAS, an honorary title "Honored Worker of Science of Azerbaijan", an honorary diploma "Influential prestigious intellectual" Azerbaijan and the presidium of the trade union. He was awarded with the 1st degree diploma of the First Republican Competition in the field of ingenuity. According to the decree of the commission for the awards of the "European Publishing House", scientist was also awarded a gold medal "The best patriot scientist-researcher".

A. Azizov died on November 20, 2016.
