Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Mamedov Aliashraf Veysal oglu

Aliashraf Mammadov was born on November 1, 1931 in Ilisu, Gakh. In 1953 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Geological Geography of Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University). In 1956 A.Mammadov received a PhD in geological and mineralogical sciences, in 1978 - a Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences and in 1988 - Professor. In 1989 - a corresponding member of ANAS and in 2001 he was elected as an active member.

A.Mammadov began his career at the Institute of Geology of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (now the Institute of Geology and Geophysics) as a junior researcher, worked on the oil expedition of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, and in 1971-2003 headed the department of paleogeography of the Institute of Geography of ANAS. A.Mammadov studied the geotectonic and paleogeographic conditions and tectonic structure of the oil and gas complexes of Azerbaijan, determined the structure of the Kura surface and sediments, gave the scientific foundations of oil and gas sediment exploration in Middle Kura, restored the history of the development of Mesozoic and Cenozoic epochs in the Caspian Sea, and also worked on chronostratigraphy the fourth period of deposits in Azerbaijan and the Caspian region, worked radiometric scale of the Late Cenozoic in our country and the South Caucasus, The connection between the fourth period of transgression and regression of the Caspian Sea with glaciations of the same period revealed the evolutionary characteristics of the paleolandscapes and the paleoclimate of Azerbaijan.

A.Mamedov’s research covers regional geology, petroleum geology, tectonics, stratigraphy, geomorphology, paleogeography and other fields of science. The main studies are devoted to the study of the geological structure of depressed zones of Azerbaijan, the history of geological development and the prospects for oil production. He discovered a number of promising new structures and made many proposals for oil exploration. The result of his work was the discovery of oil fields - such as Muradkhanly, Jafarli, Shikhbagi, Zardab, Tersdeller and Gurzundag. A.Mammadov is a founder of the Azerbaijani school of paleogeography. He is the author of more than 230 scientific papers, including 12 monographs, 6 atlases and 10 maps. 66 of his works were published abroad. Under his leadership, 3 PhDs and 8 PhDs were trained.

For many years A.Mammadov was a member of the commissions of the systems for the Neogene and the fourth period of the Committee of the Russian Inter-Directional Stratigraphy and the Academy of Sciences of the Former USSR, a member of the Council of Specialists on Advanced Training of Geological Exploration of Oil and Gas in Azerbaijan, a member of the Expert Council on Earth Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan, the co-chairman of the specialized defense council at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, deputy academic secretary of the Earth Sciences Department, deputy chief editor torus magazine "News" (series "Earth Sciences") of ANAS, member of the Committee of Geology of the National Bureau of Azerbaijan, chairman of the commission of the Azerbaijan stratigraphic inter-ministerial committee and a member of the Neogene of ANAS Institute of Geography named after academician H. Aliyev, specialized for the protection of the board.

A.Mammadov was awarded the State Prize of Azerbaijan and the national prize after Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev, was awarded the medal "Honorary Labor".

Academician Aliashraf Mammadov died in Baku in 2003.
