Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Akhundov Aghamusa Aghasi oglu
Agamusa Aghasi oglu Akhundov, a full member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, was born on February 2, 1932 in Kurdamir. After graduating secondary school with gold medal, he studied at the Philological faculty of Azerbaijan State University in 1950-1955, and Western European Languages ​​Faculty of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages in 1959-1965. In 1964, he received a degree of PhD in Philology and was awarded the title of professor in 1967. He was elected as an active member of ANAS in 2007. From 1990 to 2011 he was the director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS, the academic secretary of the Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of ANAS in 2001-2011. Since 2011  he has been the advisor to the Presidium of ANAS.

A. Akhundov had widely scientific activity as a member of Soviet Turkishologists Committee, the editorial board of the International Scientific and Theoretical Journal "Phonetics, Linguistics: Communicative Studies" published in the German Democratic Republic, the Deputy Chairman of the Terminology Commission of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, the Toponomy Commission of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan, Translation board of AzerTAC, Member of the Board of the Friendship Society of Azerbaijan and Arab countries, the chairman of the Soviet-American Friendship Society Baku branch.

The prominent scientist taught  Azerbaijani language and literature at Eyn-Shams University in Cairo, Egypt (1965-1966), Prague (1967), Ankara (1972), Belgrade (1984) and Budapest (1986), Kayseri (Turkey, 1990). He participated in international scientific conferences in Istanbul (1992) .He has been to the United States as part of the United States Friendship House and the İnstitute of Soviet-American Relations, and attended a meeting in New York on the 30th anniversary of the Second World War II (1975).

A.Akhundov taught for one month the Azerbaijani language course at the invitation of the Japanese Science Aid Society, at the Tokyo University and held two conferences on "Azerbaijani language in development paths" at Kobe University and Tokyo Eastern Library.

"General Linguistics", " İntroduction to Linguistics" , " The Azerbaijani Language" books of the specialist have been published periodically. The work on the "History-etymological dictionary of the Azerbaijani language"  is continuing.

A.Akhundov was awarded the honorary decree of the US Friendship Force public organization for his important service in the field of people`s friendship (1987). He was honorary Citizen of New Orleans, US Honorary Member of the City Council of Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1987), Member of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan Higher Attestation Commission (since 2003).

Academician A.Akhundov was awarded the State Prize of Azerbaijan Republic in 1986, in 2000 he was awarded the Order of Glory.

Academician Agamusa Akhundov died in Baku in 2015.
