Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Afandiyev Rasim Samad oglu
Rasim Samad oglu Afandiyev was born on October 30, 1928 in Gazakh city. R. Afandiyev had studied at the Azerbaijan State Artistry School since 1950 and graduated from Art Studies Faculty of the Academy of Art in St. Petersburg in 1955.He defended his candidate in 1961, doctoral dissertation in 1972, and in 1993 received the title of professor. He was elected as a correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan in 1989 and was an active member in 2001.

He was the head of the Azerbaijan and East Art Department at the Azerbaijan State Museum of Art until 1964. Since 1965 R. Afandiyev has been working at the Institute of Architecture and Art of ANAS and has been promoted to the position of Director of the Institute. He worked as the director of the institute in 1996-2010.

Academician R. Afandiyev is the author of 230 works, including 30 books. He is the author of "Azerbaijan's Material Culture", "Azerbaijan's Visual Art in World Museums", "Decorative Art of Azerbaijan", "Decorative and Applied Arts of Azerbaijan", "Art of Azerbaijan", "Art of Azerbaijan in World Museums" and other monographs and introduced the whole world of decorative and applied art to the world of science.

The main research direction of academician R.Afandiyev has been devoted to scientific problems of fine art and decorative and applied art of Azerbaijan, from the ancient times to the beginning of XIX century. Artistic monuments, such as carpets, art pieces, artistic metal products and ceramics discovered as a result of the scientist's research, enriched the history of art science.

Academician R.Afandiyev has successfully represented Azerbaijan's art in a number of international conferences and symposiums. He was chairman of the Baku Art Center, the Azerbaijan State Art Museum, the Carpet Museum and the Scientific and other Art Councils of the Organizations, member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan, laureate of the International Book Fair, and since 1992 - academician-secretary of the International Academy of Oriental Art.

16 young scientists defended his doctoral and candidate dissertation under his leadership.

Academician R. Afandiyev was awarded with Diplomas and awards of the Union of Artists of the former USSR, Russian Academy of Arts, Ministry of Culture of the Azerbaijan Republic as well as International “Sultan Muhammed Award” and was awarded the “Order of Glory “ of Azerbaijan Republic.

Academician Rasim Afandiyev died on February 13, 2010 in Baku.
