Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Aliyev Tofig Mammad oglu
Aliyev Tofig Mammad oglu was born on June 1, 1928 in Ganja. He graduated from the Faculty of Energy of the Azerbaijan Institute of Industry (now the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry) (1951) in 1954 he became a doctor of philosophy in technical sciences and in 1967 - a doctor of technical sciences. In 1969 he received the title of professor. In 1980 he was elected a corresponding member and in 1989 - an active member of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

He was an assistant at the Azerbaijan Institute of Industry (1954-1956), associate professor (1956-1959), deputy director at "Neftkhimavtomat" (1959-1972), pro-rector (1988-1989) and then rector (1989-1993).

Scientific activity of T.Aliyev was devoted to the field of computer science and computer technology, including related to original non-traditional approaches for developing multidimensional and measuring systems for oil refining.

Using the results obtained in the direction of creating multidimensional measuring systems based on the theory of automatic control, an industrial information-measuring system and a set of information converters were created.

In the direction of creating local and centralized automatic control and information systems for the oil industry, a complex of automation systems and technical facilities was created on the basis of the results of theoretical and practical research. With the help of the application of computer technology in industrial oil and petroleum products storage facilities for geophysical information collection and processing systems, the scientist developed the theoretical foundations of automated industrial information and measuring systems and applied them on an industrial scale.

Scientific activity of T. Aliyev was devoted to computer science and computer technology, and also connected with original non-traditional approaches for the development of multidimensional systems and measuring systems for oil refining.

By means of computer systems and technical means created under his guidance, the issues of developing various information in such areas of the national economy as the geophysical mine, aerospace, hydro technical, etc. were solved.

As a result of the research he conducted in the field of the General Measurement Theory, connected with various sections of technical cybernetics, the Theory of Iterative Error Correction was created.

The scientist is the author of 37 monographs and books, 227 articles, 213 inventions. Under his leadership 38 doctors of philosophy and 5 doctors of sciences were protected.

Tofig Aliyev is a laureate of the USSR and the State Prize of the AZ SSR (2 times). He awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Science.

Academician Tofig Aliyev died in 1993 in Baku.
