Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Alizadeh Abdulkarim Ali oglu
Active member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Alizadeh Abdulkarim Ali oglu was born on January 11, 1906 in Baku.

In 1927 A. Alizadeh was sent to the Leningrad Oriental Institute and in 1930 graduated from it. In 1935 he received the PhD degree. In the years 1935-1941 he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, simultaneously at the Leningrad Oriental Institute and the Leningrad State University.

In 1935-1941 he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR - simultaneously at the Leningrad Oriental Institute and the Leningrad State University.

A.Alizadeh in 1954 received the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences, and a year later was elected an active member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

In 1941-1963 Abdulkarim Alizadeh worked as the chief research officer of the Azerbaijan branch of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, head of the department of the history of the ancient and middle ages of the Institute of History and Philosophy, academician-secretary of the Social Sciences Department of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

In 1958-1963 was the 1st director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

From 1963 until the end of his life, A.Alizadeh headed the Textology and Publishing Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

Academician A.Alizadeh jointly with Petrushevski laid the foundation for the history of Azerbaijan in the Middle Ages.

He investigated the history of Azerbaijan and the countries of the Middle East of the Seljuk and Mongolian periods.

Published in 1956 by the scientist "Socio-economic and political history of Azerbaijan in the 13th-14th centuries" (in Russian) a monograph and more than 60 scientific works of the scientist were of great importance in studying the medieval history of Azerbaijan and neighboring eastern countries.

Under his leadership, dozens of candidates and doctors of science were defended.

A.Alizadeh took part in the congress of Orientalists in Munich (1957), Moscow (1960), Tehran (1966, 1969), Ankara (1961, 1970), Warsaw (1955), Tabriz (1969) and other scientific meetings. He brought to the scientists of the world innovations and achievements of the historical science of Azerbaijan.

A.Alizadeh was awarded the State Prize of the USSR (1948), honorary title "Honored Worker of Science" (1960), State Prize of Az. USSR (1978). He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, "For the Defense of the Caucasus", "For Valiant Labor in the Years of the Great Patriotic War", "Honorary Badge".

Full member of ANAS Alizadeh Abdulkarim Ali oglu died on December 3, 1979 in Baku.
